
Servant and Leadership Training

Men's Discipleship

What is SALT? Is it for me?

SALT  is for men who are wanting more from their walk with the Lord. Is your walk with Jesus just getting by, or mediocre at best? Do you desire to have camaraderie with other men who are like-minded? Do you need to have other men in your life to help encourage, challenge and identify with in the challenges of everyday life?

SALT is a one-year small group, focused on challenging one another to discover their God-given talents, to identify their spiritual calling, and to be challenged to live a life of servant leadership. Are you up for the challenge? We invite you to sign up and experience the change that only Christ can do. It is a big commitment, but it is a commitment you will not regret. If you would like to talk to one of this year's S.A.L.T. members please fill out the form below and someone will be contacting you.
I commend you for your interest in this year's SALT class.  Please fill out the information below to sign-up for the next SALT class or to get more information.