Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Vision

To impact people with the Gospel for generations to come
 Developing a strong community of believers that will actively work together to impact the next generation.

We impact generations to come by


Using your gifts and talents
Giving financially to the work of the ministry
Building relationships with others


Praying and engaging in Spiritual warfare
Growing in your own personal walk with Christ


Intentionally raising children to love the Lord
Building a strong marriage


Sharing Christ with another person
Walking out your faith in front of others
Bringing someone to church

The Mission

At CCSC our mission is to KNOW - GROW - GO.
What does that mean? It means we are responsible to know the Word of God. At Calvary Chapel we
to grow in that knowledge and to go and share it with others either here locally or out in our community where the Lord has placed us.

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